Computer Cuisine Deluxe is a comprehensive solution for anyone interested in cooking. This attractive database will help you keep your recipe collection neatly organized, and will provide you with some extra utilities to help you with, for instance, your weekly shopping lists and your daily calorie needs. The program comes with dozens of delicious recipes, to which you can add your own in an intuitive and simple way.
Computer Cuisine Deluxe comes with a thousand recipes of dishes from all around the world. You are free to delete all of them and start your own recipe collection from scratch. Alternatively, you can keep those you really like and personalize them with your own annotations. Each recipe is presented in an attractive layout that resembles a tabbed wire-o book. Each tab will give you specific information about the recipe – the ingredients and cooking instructions, your own notes, up to three photographs of the dish, and its nutritional facts.
You can sort all the dishes by recipe name, type or category, style (country), or servings. Besides, its search capabilities will allow you to find any given recipe in a snap (you can even search for a recipe using your own notes or its nutritional facts!). Recipes can be listed, printed, exported to file, e-mailed, and backed up.